Notes from the field: May 2019
Hi everyone, The end of May marks my ten month of field work in Mangevo. At the beginning, thinking about all the time for field work...

Spring Break trip to Duke Lemur Center!
Greeting Fellow Primates! My name is Amanda Rodriguez and I am a Hunter College ABC master’s student in Dr. Baden’s PMEL. Last week, I...

Notes from the capital: April 2019
Hello everyone! My name is Ford Bendell and I am the new Project Manager for the Baden PMEL field research program. I’m originally from...

Notes from the lab: April 2019
I’m back! But this time writing from the concrete jungle. The past three months I have been working in Dr. Jessica Rothman’s primate...

Notes from the field: January 2019
Hi Everyone and Happy New Year. I have been waking up to noise every morning in the big city; but black-and-white ruffed lemurs barking...

Notes from the field: November
A Varecia Tale In June, I packed my bags and my endless amount of equipment to begin my adventure. I had always hoped to be able to study...

Notes from the field: October
Helloooo I am Noro, Andrea’s Malagasy PhD student, working on the Vareciaproject in Mangevo at Ranomafana National Park. My job in the...

Notes from the field: September
Hi everybody! I'm Giulia, one of the new field assistants working on Andrea's Varecia Project and I've just finished my third expedition...

Nina’s ‘notes from the field’: August
MANDRAPIHAONA MADAGASCAR [See you soon Madagascar] And just like that we have reached the end of my 8 months. Here is my final post from...

Nina’s ‘notes from the field’: July
Beeby’s Bootcamp, or Many Falls and other Close Calls After spending three entire weeks at CVB with my foot infection, then a 5-day...