Notes from the (concrete) jungle: January 2020
Happy New Year (& decade)! It has certainly been awhile since I returned from Madagascar, so I thought it was high time for me to write...
Rainforest jungle >> concrete jungle
I’m now back in NYC, and I can’t believe my field season is over already; it feels like I just got my first leech bite days ago. (One...

Notes from the field: July 2019
Salama Fellow Primates! I am reporting from the beautiful Reniala Lemur Rescue Center (LRC). Currently, investigating the effects of...

Notes from the field: July 2019
The Highs & Lows of Fieldwork: Lack of Data to Lemur Love Triangles Salama! I just got back to Centre ValBio (CVB) after my 3rd...

Notes from the field: June 2019
Salama y’all! As of last week, I have been in Madagascar for 2 months. Time flies here and it’s hard to wrap my head around how much has...

Notes from the field: June 2019
Rice paddies, rampant leeches and (most importantly) really cute lemurs! Salama! I’m back at Centre ValBio (CVB) now after spending 3...

Notes from the field: May 2019
Salama! Hello! I’m Carly, a first-year PhD student in Andrea’s lab at Hunter College & the CUNY Graduate Center. I am originally from the...

Notes from the field: May 2019
Hi everyone, The end of May marks my ten month of field work in Mangevo. At the beginning, thinking about all the time for field work...

Nina’s ‘notes from the field’: July
Beeby’s Bootcamp, or Many Falls and other Close Calls After spending three entire weeks at CVB with my foot infection, then a 5-day...